Take Charge of Your Midlife Career

“It’s not too late! You aren’t too old!”

Start today to rediscover the career you want! 

Certified Coach & Mentor

Take Charge of Your Midlife Career

“It’s not too late! You aren’t too old!”

My Vision

“I envision a world where we wake up every day feeling we belong,
feeling we are loved & knowing we have a voice” – Caryn White

My Vision

“I envision a world where we wake up every day feeling we belong,
feeling we are loved & knowing we have a voice”

Caryn White

Are you ready to become an Inspired Leader who is confident in steering your career forward?

What comes to mind when you think of an Inspired Leader?

What qualities do they have?

How do they communicate?

How do they behave?

How do they show up?

What makes them inspiring?

Here’s the thing…

Everything you have thought of and written down that you believe represents an Inspired Leader you have the potential to become.

Because leadership starts from within.

It’s about mastering self-awareness, setting clear intentions and goals, and pursuing your goals with confidence and determination. Showing up as this person will inspire those around you.

You will become an Inspired Leader!


Since we started working together, I’ve seen remarkable progress in both my personal and professional life, overcoming instances where I would normally stress heavily and allow anxiety to creep in.


Caryn has not only helped and guided me to grow in my role but to build my confidence by creating self-awareness and self-focus.


What do you need support with right now?


Likely, you have heard the saying “confidence comes from within”

I truly believe this is true, however, I appreciate that when it comes to building confidence it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

What I have recognised with clients is when they can answer these 3 key points below, they are able to quickly start taking action towards building confidence.  Here are the 3 key points for you to reflect on:

1. What areas of your life do you want to be confident in?

2. On a scale of 1-5, how important is it to you to be confident in these areas?

3. Choose the top-rated area and detail what it will mean to be confident in this area (apply the S.M.A.R.T principles (see below)

Specific – It must be clear what it means, no ambiguity or vagueness
Measurable – How will you measure that you are now confident in this area
Attainable – Is this within your ability & means to gain confidence in this area
Relevant – Is this valuable in the context of your values, needs & desires
Time – As you do with goals, consider when you want to gain this confidence

Sometimes, it isn’t as simple as we would like to complete the 3 points above and also define what actions you can now take to build this confidence. To support you, I invite you to connect with me and schedule a complimentary 30-minute call HERE

Let’s start building your confidence today. 


What is your doubting voice telling you? How does it make you feel? When does your imposter show up? What is it stopping you from doing and being? 

These are all key questions to ask yourself when you want to conquer self-doubt and manage your imposter.

Here’s the thing… we will always have some self-doubt show up and we will be faced with various forms of our imposter HOWEVER it is all about how the self-doubt and imposter impact you. 

Can you hear the self-doubt and face your imposter and acknowledge it for what it is and continue on, or are you stuck feeling paralysed almost from being able to move forward. 

I invite you now to reflect on these questions I have shared above. When you find that your self-doubt and/or imposters have power over what you want, I invite you to connect with me for a complimentary 30-minute call HERE to gain clarity on what actions you can take to let go of the power that the self-doubt and/or imposter has on you. 


How would it feel to wake up everyday feeling excited about the day ahead and most importantly feeling like you have time and energy for what you want to do?

No one can tell you what is the right work life balance for you. This is something that you need to discover yourself.

I know, you may be thinking, “well can’t someone just tell me?” The truth is I could, I could tell you exactly what you should be doing, how many hours you should apply towards work, how many hours for family, friends, fun, exercise, sleep etc but based on my personal experience and witnessing conversations with clients, the reality is that the end result would eventually find you in a place feeling out of balance and out of alignment with yourself. Only YOU can determine what is the right work life balance for YOU.

The good news, here’s how you can start today…

I invite you to conduct a time audit of where you are ACTUALLY spending your time. I invite you to start a 7 day time audit. Download my TIME AUDIT STARTER KIT here.

Until you know where you are ACTUALLY spending your time, you can’t start creating your work life balance.


Are you struggling to narrow it down to just one thing? Or maybe you find it easier to talk to someone to decide what is the priority for you right now? I am here to support you!

I invite you to schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me now where I will help you gain clarity on where to start.

I’m Caryn

I’m a certified coach, mentor, and CPA. I am passionate about empowering corporate women like you who are midway through their careers and are ready for change and transformation. 

I apply a proven framework to help you identify internal obstacles holding you back. I guide you to identify your strengths, values, and professional goals. I am here to support you on your journey as you successfully navigate your next career steps. 

I’m Caryn

I’m a certified coach, mentor, and CPA. I am passionate about empowering corporate women like you who are midway through their careers and are ready for change and transformation.

I apply a proven framework to help you identify internal obstacles holding you back. I guide you to identify your strengths, values, and professional goals. I am here to support you on your journey as you successfully navigate your next career steps. 





Featured In:


Life Coaches in Singapore


Being a Coach, Expat & Mum


My Life Purpose


My Founder Story & More